Neighborhood Rocks + Found Poetry

I love seeing all the fun painted rocks around the neighborhoods, giving walkers something to do and a treasure hunt when there aren’t a lot of places to go, and we stay close to home.

As I was cleaning up some of my spaces, I came upon the supplies from my Found Poetry kits – which i quickly repurposed to be easy to drop parcels, hoping to inspire friends, neighbors and strangers when I tuck them into any little lending library I might see.

If you happened upon one of these treasures you can find out how to get started on found poetry here.

Time Spent: Wonderment of weeds



Weeds are a matter of opinion. Your weed is my garden.

Whenever I see new plants popping up where we purpousfully removed others, despite the tendancy to pluck them again, I can’t help but stop and smile and have a moment of wonder about how amazing it that nature can take hold like that.

Some day this little salmonberry plant might have berries to feed me and the bears, and yet today I consider it a weed that needs to be removed to make way for another plant of our choosing.

Another day I might see chamomile weeds that I am shocked would be mowed, I see milkweed weeds being pulled that I would love to put in a vase. It always makes me pause with wonder.