Category Archives: Mindfulness

Time Spent: Wonderment of weeds



Weeds are a matter of opinion. Your weed is my garden.

Whenever I see new plants popping up where we purpousfully removed others, despite the tendancy to pluck them again, I can’t help but stop and smile and have a moment of wonder about how amazing it that nature can take hold like that.

Some day this little salmonberry plant might have berries to feed me and the bears, and yet today I consider it a weed that needs to be removed to make way for another plant of our choosing.

Another day I might see chamomile weeds that I am shocked would be mowed, I see milkweed weeds being pulled that I would love to put in a vase. It always makes me pause with wonder.

Happy favorite day of the year

I love the holidays and the giving, and receiving and family gathering and celebrating with friends, but today is one of my favorite days of the year. No plans, no shopping, lots of leftovers.  The built up anticipation and nervous energy has passed, and the elves are all having a day of rest.

Some friends who don’t really dig the holiday also breathe a sigh of relief that they are done, each for different reasons – so today is a good day for them too.

Happy favorite day! I hope you find many ways to just relax and enjoy this day.

Before I was bored.

I don’t remember what I used to do when I was bored, before there were computers, email, or social media.  I’m old enough that a good chunk of my life had that time, where there was no laptop, tablet or smart phone to check on.  When “I’m Bored” crosses my mind, I find myself in a state of dissatisfaction and am not motivated to get started on anything,   When there are chores or jobs looming, I find myself in this state when there is just enough time to procrastinate but not quite enough time that I feel like I can do something totally engrossing,

In my youth, I like to imagine it was easier to find something to do in a shorter time frame. Perhaps I used to wander around the house like kids do, saying “I’m bored. What can I do,” and then stumble upon something purposeful or fun, and lose myself for an hour or two which would result in some creative play, or spontaneous artwork, or even a cleansing organizational project.

Those days are gone, as more often than not the fleeting thought of “I’m Bored” seems to automatically lead to checking email, checking in on the news, social media, clicking to blogs.  None of which, when in this state, is really beneficial. Not only is it usually junk mail, or spam, or news that isn’t newsworthy, but five minutes after I close the computer I don’t even know where my hour went.

All of these activities are things I actually enjoy when purposefully do them. I love the NYTimes on a Sunday morning, or social media on a Thursday night with a glass of wine. I love catching up on friend’s blogs with my early morning coffee. When I am in a mindset to start a new art project or craft, an hour purposefully reading and clicking through to new ideas is well spent.

As the technology evolves, and we are forced to adapt our habits and lives to it – it is ever more important to be mindful of how we use it, so hours of creative inspiration, and moments of quiet reflection for our own well being are not lost to the less important happenings of the online world.