Found poetry is a wonderful way to gently infuse a little creativity into your day. It combines a number of different creative elements in one experience, reading and exploring written work, composing– finding hidden stories within the text of a vintage work, and art – putting some life to the pages of the book.
Found poetry can be difficult to see, but more often than not the words jump out of the page to create a poem – offering up a message that resonates in that moment. Sometimes it is a little more structured of a process to find the poetry within a text. When I opened the page of my current found poetry text, I was on the index – which created quite an effort to find the meaning – but it was a fun challenge and good brain time.
Whether you are using a newspaper, magazine, advertisement or book – found poetry is a delicious way to indulge your creative spirit. It combines a love of words, a creative flow and if you want, an opportunity to put sketches, drawings and art to your words. I often do simple drawings with my found poetry. I may also do an entire page in a Zentangle inspired design, or simply black out the other letters.
For more information on getting started visit the short article I wrote: found poetry how to.